Sunday, December 11, 2016

Observe: Artist At Work

Artists observe in many ways. 

  • Artists observe objects, people, and nature. (Remember how a couple of weeks ago we explored drawing from observation? We did an exercise where we drew an insect in detail while studying it carefully.)
  • Artists also observe artists at work, artwork by other artists and their own work (reflect). 

Today we will observe a collage artist, known as MarkPaperScissors at work. 

What did you learn from watching him work? 
What would you like to try?
  • Demo on black paper
  • Cut, Arrange, Attach
  •  Glue Basics
  • Returning paper to scrap bin and recycling procedure

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Mini Lesson : Exploring Paper Sculpture

What can you do with paper in the Sculpture studio? 

With a little bit of planning, skill, and perseverance, you can make almost anything with just paper, scissors, and glue!

Review: Making a cylinder, flanging, tabbing a wall

Introduce: Tabbing walls together to make a rectangular prism, folding paper to make a making a rectangular prism. Making flat objects stand, slots

Stretch and Explore-W.O.W. Art Backgrounds