Thursday, October 31, 2019

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

First Grade - Ideas

Before you begin to make art, you need an idea.
What can you create at your studio?

Talk to your classmates to make a list of ideas.


How do artists come up with ideas?

Should artists have an idea before they start?  Do you?

We are going to practice coming up with lots of ideas for each studio you are working in today.

You should talk to your table mates and work together to come up with the most ideas.


What can you make with a rectangle?


Can you draw with a brush? 
Choose 3 subjects off the idea board.


What pictures can  you make with the shapes on your table?
Keep a list of all the ideas.


What can you make with a cardboard tubes?
Keep a list of your ideas.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Presenting-planning artwork for a show

Tis the season for our art show! 
At your winter program, each one of you will select a piece of art to display. 

Where do we display our art at concerts?
What does the space look like?

How will your art be viewed? From Close up or far away? Will it be on the wall or on the stage?

What are some things you can do to make sure your artwork stands out?

How can you make sure it conveys your idea?

•Investigate and discuss possibilities and limitations of spaces, including electronic, for exhibiting artwork.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Drawing on Black Paper

How is drawing on black paper different from drawing on white paper?

When would you choose black paper?

What would look good on black paper?
night pictures...wolves...owls...
superhero pictures... what else?

*testing colors/experimenting on back of paper
*use black as an eraser

Monday, October 14, 2019

Near and Far

How can You make things on a flat page look like they are up close and far away?

Near and Far

Draw the closest thing first, and draw LARGE
What is the largest thing in this picture?
Draw things that are far smaller and higher up on the page.
What appears far away in this picture.

In art, we call the objects that appear the closest, the foreground.
Objects that are medium-sized and a little higher on the page are called the middle ground.
Objects that you want to appear far away are drawn the smallest and highest on the page.

 The line where the ground and sky appear to meet is called the horizon line.
Where is the horizon line in this picture.