Sunday, December 20, 2020

AMI/ Snowflake Designs /Grades 1-3

Beauty in a Snowflake

There is beauty in the design of a snowflake...

Look at some snow crystals up close, and learn some easy ways to create your own snowflakes!

Listen to the book, "Snowflake Bentley" and learn about Wilson Bentley, the first person to photograph snowflakes up close! 

Watch the Video Lesson:  Beauty in a Snowflake

1st-3rd Grade Art

Make some art! 

Supplies Needed:
White Paper-any size
Any Kind of Drawing supplies-
pencil, pen, crayon, markers, whatever you have!

If you would like to share your art, please have your grown up post it on our Festus Elementary Art Facebook Page!

Monday, December 7, 2020

Snow is Beautiful

Beauty in Weather: Winter Snow

How do artists share the beauty of a snowy day in their art? How can you?

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Nature's Beauty: Observing Nature Up Close


1. Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.

B. Investigation

Use observation and investigation in preparation for making a work of art.

Today we will learn to look carefully at flowers and leaves to discover the beautiful details in the natural world.

During this week, you can look for other natural objects that you might like to observe closely and draw.

Have you ever looked at a flower up close?

What did you notice that you didn't see from far away?

Here is a painting from far away of a field of poppies

Here is a painting close up of a single poppy

Do you think this artist could paint this flower from memory? 
Or would the artist need to see the flower in real life?

This artist, Georgia O'Keefe would study flowers in real life so she could notice all the lines, shapes and colors.

Some artists like to observe nature from a distance, far away

Some artists like to observe nature up close

Which way do you like to observe nature?

Monday, November 23, 2020

Design a Balloon


Macy's Thanksgiving Parade
Balloon Design

(A lesson for the short week before Thanksgiving)


Monday, November 9, 2020

Beauty in Nature-Trees

 A Tree is Beautiful


People find beauty in nature. This mini lesson is about observing trees, and noticing changes throughout the seasons, and through the eyes of an artist.  When you make your art, how can you express that beauty? 

Monday, October 26, 2020


A silhouette is the dark shape or outline of something, usually against a lighter background.


Monday, October 19, 2020

Beauty is all around us- First Grade

 What do you find beautiful in the world?

What colors do you see in this picture?

Andre Derain - Charing Cross Bridge

What lines and shapes do you see in this pictures?

Andre Derain - The Trees

Andre Derain made many paintings of beautiful places. 
What makes these places beautiful?
What makes these paintings beautiful?

- People find things of beauty in the world around them.

- Artists share what they think is beautiful in their art.

OUR EXPERIENCES: We see beauty when we look closely at nature or when we view a landscape a distance. We see beauty in the parts of the world that are built by humans such as bridges and buildings

We also can "see" or feel beauty in our actions of kindness,  love and respect.


Can you think of a beautiful place you would like to share? 
Is it a building or is it in nature?
What lines, shapes and colors will you use?

On an index card, or small piece of paper, take 5 minutes to write about or draw something you find beautiful.

Where Do Artists Get Ideas?

 Link to Beth Williams' Art blog: Meramec Choice Art

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Fiber Art

 Fiber arts is about making art with thread, yarn, paper, and fabric, made from both natural and man made fibers.

This week we will be visiting the Fiber Arts studio. 

First Grade Skills

- Thread a yarn needle
- Tie a knot
- Sew a running stitch in burlap

First Grade Video

Second Grade Skills

- Thread a needle
- Tie a knot
- Sew around two pieces of felt with an overstitch (whip stitch)
- Stuff and sew closed to make a stuffy

Second Grade Video

Third Grade Skills

- Thread a needle
- Tie a knot
- Sew a letter with a running stitch
- Sew two pieces of felt together with an overstitch (whip stitch)
- Stuff and sew closed to make a stuffy.

Third Grade Video

Monday, September 14, 2020

Painting Studio


The Painting Studio


1. Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.

A. Play & Ideation

Engage collaboratively in exploration and imaginative play with materials

B. Investigation

Use observation and investigation in preparation for making a work of art.

Welcome to the Painting Studio!

This week we are learning about working in the painting studio. 

We are going to learn studio procedures for set up and clean-up, look at some paintings by master artists, learn how to care for the materials in the painting studio, and explore painting with watercolor paint. 

We will complete the skills we learn in our Studio Practice books.
(If you don't have a studio practice book, you can complete the lesson using 2 pieces of white paper)

Materials Needed:
Studio Practice book or 2 pieces of white paper
Watercolor paint
Cup or bowl of water
Paper towel

1st Grade Video Lesson:

Second Grade Video Lesson:

Third Grade Video Lesson:

Monday, September 7, 2020

Collage Studio

 Virtual Lesson/In person Learning

What is a collage?

A collage is made by cutting up, arranging, and gluing down materials such as paper, string, fabric, and newspaper. 

"Coller is a French word, that means to glue something together, so it makes sense that a collage is when you glue materials to a flat surface.

In collage you can use many different materials to make something new!

interesting papers, torn or cut
newspapers/ any text
magazine pictures
sheet music
You can also draw on your collage!

Materials needed:
White Paper for background
Colored Construction Paper
Glue Stick
Crayons or Markers (optional)

Watch this video for our collage lesson

This week we will practice making our own collage.

You can make a collage of anything you want. 

 Click on the link below for your grade level skills.

1st Grade Collage Skills

2nd Grade Collage Skills

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Drawing Studio


Virtual Lessons 

Week August 31 - September 4

Let's Draw!

This week we are experimenting with drawing materials. 

We will show what we know using pencils, crayons and markers.
This practice will prepare us for our work in the drawing studio!

                                  Video for 1st and 2nd Grade

Video for 3rd Grade

Print out your own drawing page with this link, or just follow along on a blank piece of paper. 

1. With a pencil you can create light and dark values.
2. You can layer colors with crayon.
3. You can use the tip and the sides of the marker.
4. Third grade Try to create a gradate with a crayon by changing pressure.

After you have finished this exercise, create your own drawing on another piece of paper using the skills and tools we just learned about. 

Ask yourself these questions:
1. How did you use your pencil?  Did you press light or hard?
2. Did you layer crayons? Where? If you didn't, add one color on top of another to create layers.
3. Did you use the tip or the side of the markers?

Congratulations! You are now ready to use the drawing studio!

In Person Learning

Let's Draw!

This week we are experimenting with drawing materials. 

We will show what we know using pencils, crayons and markers.
This practice will prepare us for our work in the drawing studio!

With a pencil...
You can create light and dark values. 

Value is the lightness or darkness of a color. 

You can create light and dark values by changing how hard you press on your pencil.
Blending and Layering: 
Making new colors in the drawing Studio

You can layer crayon by coloring one color over another lightly.

  • Can you see where the colors overlap in layers to create new colors?
  • Why do you think it is important to color lightly when layering?

Create your own drawing using the skills and tools we just learned about. 

Ask yourself these questions:
1. How did you use your pencil?  Did you press light or hard?
2. Did you layer crayons? Where? If you didn't, add one color on top of another to create layers.
3. Did you use the tip or the side of the markers?

Congratulations! You are now ready to use the drawing studio!

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Extra Art- Art Game

Roll a Miro-First Grade

How to play 
Roll a Miro

Roll a Landscape-Second Grade

How to play
Roll a Landscape

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Studio Practice Books/Draw a Person 2020-21

Third Grade Greeting/Introduction:

Welcome to art class! We are going to have an exciting year together in art, full of discovery
and art making. We will draw, collage, paint sculpt and weave. We are going to continue to learn what it means to be an artist and how to work like an artist.

Every year we go over our class expectations. 

1. Take care of people
2. Take care of stuff
3. Behave like an artist 

This year we want you to work in a group to list the way we meet those expectations. 
For example How do we take care of people in the art room?

So now it is your turn to answer this question at your table. One person will write the answers. 

Share some of the answers.

Now let's move on to #2. How do we take care of stuff in the artroom?
For example, when we are done with a marker, we should place the cap back on till it snaps, so that the marker doesn't dry out.

Lastly, How do we behave like an artist?
One way that I show I am an artist is I think about what I'm going to make before I begin.
 I always start with an idea even though it may change along the way.

Today we are going to get our Studio Practice Books. We use our studio practice books to learn skills and classroom routines for choice art.
Pass out books/ Name and class code.

You will create a piece of art using drawing supplies. You can draw whatever you decide.

Open your book to the page at the beginning of the book that says :"Draw a picture and make it fabulous. Read suggestions.

Supplies Needed:
Pencil and Eraser
Colored Pencil

VA: Cr, Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work

Clean up expectations:
I will always play the clean up anthem at clean up time.
Clean up is silent.
Everyone should finish cleaning up their studio space before the end of the song.
(I will select 2 monitors to write down names of anyone talking, or not cleaning up)
Today, during clean up, you will be responsible

What did you draw today?
What supplies did you use?

Remind students to raise their hand and wait to be called on .
In school we are respectful by raising our hands when we have something to say.
Thank individual students for being respectful and raising their hands.

Line Up Time.
Practice line up expectations:
Feet on tape
Facing forward