Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Who I Am- Focusing on Faces- Second and Third Grade

New Unit: Who I Am

*Face Maps
*What do I look like?
*My Favorite Things
*My Personality!

Lesson One: Focusing on Faces

Observe and discuss proportion in portraits 
Make a face map

Today we are going to make a face map so that we can practice placing the eyes, nose and mouth on the face. 

First, we begin with an oval for the face. Then we divide the face in half with a horizontal line. This helps us with eye placement.

Now, we will draw a vertical line down the center of the oval. 
This will help us make our faces symmetrical, or the same on each side. 

Third, we will draw a short line halfway between our  horizontal line and the bottom of the face. 
This will be where the bottom of the nose is placed.

Finally, we will draw a slightly longer line between the nose line in the chin for the mouth. 

Then you are ready to add your eyes, nose and mouth.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Beauty is all around us - 1st Grade


Beauty is all around us- First Grade


 What do you find beautiful in the world?

What colors do you see in this picture?

Andre Derain - Charing Cross Bridge

What lines and shapes do you see in this pictures?

Andre Derain - The Trees

Andre Derain made many paintings of beautiful places. 
What makes these places beautiful?
What makes these paintings beautiful?

People find things of beauty in the world around them.

Artists share what they think is beautiful in their art.

OUR EXPERIENCES: We see beauty when we look closely at nature or when we view a landscape a distance. We see beauty in the parts of the world that are built by humans such as bridges and buildings

We also can "see" or feel beauty in our actions of kindness,  love and respect.


Can you think of a beautiful place you would like to share? 
Is it a building or is it in nature?
What lines, shapes and colors will you use?

On an index card, or small piece of paper, take 5 minutes to write about or draw something you find beautiful.