Monday, April 25, 2022

Invented Worlds: Where can our imaginations take us?

 Thinking and working as artists, we can dream of imaginary lands.

-Imaginative art often has things that are real, but we can put them together in strange ways.

Play this video First: Tate Kids - Intro to Surrealism

Play this Lesson Second:

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

How Do We Remember Special Times-Unit Intro.

 In this unit, we will explore the essential question: 

How do we remember special times?

We will consider two big ideas:

1. We all remember and look forward to special times.

2. Artists and designers help us remember, celebrate and look forward to special times in our lives.


William H. Johnson, Ferry Boat Trip
Carole Spandeau, A Child's Birthday Party Backyard Fun
T.F. Chen, Olympic Flame
John Singer Sargent, A Tent in the Rockies
Marc Chagall, The Wedding


What are some special times that you remember? List these on the board
birthday parties
holiday celebrations
school concerts
special sports events
visits to relatives
family vacations

How could you create a piece of art that shows a memory of a special time? 


Sunday, April 10, 2022

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Drawing Spring AMI Day April 5, 2022


AMI Day Lesson- Drawing Spring

 Drawing Spring

In the Spring, the Earth seems to be waking up from a deep sleep.
The grass starts growing again, and leaves come out of the trees. There are so many colors! 

We start to notice baby animals... bunnies, deer and birds are some I've seen. Also, some things I don't love happen in Spring, like I start to notice bugs again, but I know that bugs help our ecosystem too.

As an artist all these are very inspiring to me. Are they inspiring to you?

This week can you think about some of the changes you have noticed that happen in Spring?

This video can help you with ideas...

When you watch the video, notice all the different supplies they used to create their drawings. I bet you have some of these things around your house.

Pencils    Crayons    Pens     Markers     Chalk    Oil Pastels     Colored Pencils

I think this would be a good idea for me to draw, a mama bird built a nest in my gutter. I've been watching her for weeks carefully building, and now she sits on the eggs all day and all night.

Music helps me with my art too. Here are some songs about birds you might like to listen to while you draw.

Ziggy Marley-wings of an eagle

Elizabeth Mitchell-Little Bird Little Bird