What does it mean to Recycle?

Recycling means making trash into something new. Every time you throw something away it gets sent to a landfill. More and more rubbish is piled on top until it is too big and the landfill has to be closed. The great thing is that most things can be recycled.
But recycling isn't the only way to keep the planet healthier, we can also reuse and reduce the items in our lives.
In fact the art room is a GREAT place to REUSE items.
Lets watch what this might look like for you.
PBS Garbage
Lets think about magazines in particular.
PBS Magazines
Cut shapes out of a magazine page. Here they cut out the shapes of houses.

Cut out shapes to create texture in your art.
You could use lots of different colors, or try to stay in the same color family, like all greens or all blues.

Paper Beads
Collage instead of using construction paper, use magazine papers
Find images you like, cut them out and create a story.