Sunday, November 13, 2016

Engage and Persist

What do you like? 
What do you care about?
What do you want to explore, 
or learn more about?

Know your Interests! 
(Fill out W.O.W. sheet)
Some of the best ideas come at unexpected times, not only in art class. 
It may happen on the bus, at dinner, while reading a book, or playing with friends. Times when you feel "bored" are often the best times to have the most brilliant daydreams! (remember Sky Color?)


W.O.W. stands for "Wonderful Original Art"(original means that it is not copied)

  • I have planned my work.
  • I have worked on my project for several art classes.
  • It is my best work, I am proud of it, and it shows who I am as an artist. 
  • It is ready to display along with an artist statement.

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