Wednesday, January 23, 2019

How to be a Designer - Art Careers

Do you like to draw?
Are you creative?
Do you like to use computers?
If someone tells you what to draw, can you draw it?

You might want to be a designer!
A designer is an artist who creates characters, toys, games, pictures... for the company they work for.

ORIGINAL CHARACTERS are a great way to make a brand new thing right out of your imagination! 

Maybe you  want to create your own a character that you can make a personality and design for!

You can design an OC (Original Character)
Ask yourself,
is your character:

  • A person
  • An animal
  • Half person half animal

A thing?

Is your character CUTE or COOL?

Is your character a HERO or a VILLIAN?

What is special about your character?

Don't forget to give your OC a name!

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