Wednesday, February 27, 2019

I tried something new today!

One of the artist habits we learned about last week was...
Stretch and Explore

Try to challenge yourself today!

Once you have an idea, think of how you can change it in one way.

Drawing Studio

Instead of using paper, can you draw on cardboard using oil pastels?

I have noticed we love to paint colors!  Strips, dots, shapes of colors!  Before doing your next color painting, cut a shape out of cardboard, an animal, a star, an organic shape.  Paint it with tempera paint, make sure you mix some original colors too.

We usually make 3-D sculptures using cardboard.  What if you made a relief sculpture instead?  

 Start with a base and build your image using stacks of cardboard.

Usually we use construction paper.  

What if we thoughtfully used embellishments to create a picture?

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