Monday, December 13, 2021

Snowmen At Night - Black Paper

 Snowman At Night


Snowmen At Night

Pastel Demonstration

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

If I was an animal...

Think about some characteristics that you have.  What words describe you?

Talkative?  Shy?  Funny?  Strong?  Loyal?

Could the words that describe you, also describe an animal?

What would that animal be?






Powerpoint If I were an animal

Is there an animal you have a CONNECTION with?

If you were an animal, what would you want to be?

Why do you want to be this animal?

Could you use your animal match as inspiration for artwork?

Friday, November 12, 2021

More Ways to Show Who I Am

This week we continue to think about who we are, and how we can show that through our art.

We have been focusing on portraits which show what we LOOK like, but as artists we want to show more about WHO we are, WHAT we like and what is IMPORTANT to us.

Here are some examples of artists that have found interesting ways to solve that problem.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Portraits Can Show Who I Am

 Last week we learned how to make a Face Map to help us create a realistic portrait.

Did you create a portrait? Who did you make?

A portrait is one way we can show the world Who I Am

But people are more than just what they look like.

Can you show the things that are important to you in a portrait?

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

St. Louis Dairy Card Contest

 Sometimes artists enter contests with a theme.

You can enter a contest by creating a card about cows and Christmas!

What things make you think of cows and Christmas?

If you want to make a picture for the contest, you will draw first with a pencil, trace with a sharpie and color using colored pencils, crayons and markers.

If you decide to enter you will need to work on the picture 2 times and do your best. The winners will be announced on December 1st, so in about 4 weeks.

Good Luck!

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Who I Am- Focusing on Faces- Second and Third Grade

New Unit: Who I Am

*Face Maps
*What do I look like?
*My Favorite Things
*My Personality!

Lesson One: Focusing on Faces

Observe and discuss proportion in portraits 
Make a face map

Today we are going to make a face map so that we can practice placing the eyes, nose and mouth on the face. 

First, we begin with an oval for the face. Then we divide the face in half with a horizontal line. This helps us with eye placement.

Now, we will draw a vertical line down the center of the oval. 
This will help us make our faces symmetrical, or the same on each side. 

Third, we will draw a short line halfway between our  horizontal line and the bottom of the face. 
This will be where the bottom of the nose is placed.

Finally, we will draw a slightly longer line between the nose line in the chin for the mouth. 

Then you are ready to add your eyes, nose and mouth.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Beauty is all around us - 1st Grade


Beauty is all around us- First Grade


 What do you find beautiful in the world?

What colors do you see in this picture?

Andre Derain - Charing Cross Bridge

What lines and shapes do you see in this pictures?

Andre Derain - The Trees

Andre Derain made many paintings of beautiful places. 
What makes these places beautiful?
What makes these paintings beautiful?

People find things of beauty in the world around them.

Artists share what they think is beautiful in their art.

OUR EXPERIENCES: We see beauty when we look closely at nature or when we view a landscape a distance. We see beauty in the parts of the world that are built by humans such as bridges and buildings

We also can "see" or feel beauty in our actions of kindness,  love and respect.


Can you think of a beautiful place you would like to share? 
Is it a building or is it in nature?
What lines, shapes and colors will you use?

On an index card, or small piece of paper, take 5 minutes to write about or draw something you find beautiful.

Monday, August 30, 2021

Opening the Drawing Studio Grades 1-3

Let's Draw!

This week we are experimenting with drawing materials.
We will show what we know using pencils, crayons and markers.
This practice will prepare us for our work in the drawing studio!

With a pencil...
You can create light and dark values.
Value is the lightness or darkness of a color.

You can create light and dark values by changing how hard you press on your pencil.

Blending and Layering:
Making new colors in the drawing Studio
You can layer crayon by coloring one color over another lightly.

Video for 1st and 2nd Grade

Video for 3rd Grade

Can you see where the colors overlap in layers to create new colors?
Why do you think it is important to color lightly when layering?

Create your own drawing using the skills and tools we just learned about.

Ask yourself these questions:
1. How did you use your pencil? Did you press light or hard?
2. Did you layer crayons? Where? If you didn't, add one color on top of another to create layers.
3. Did you use the tip or the side of the markers?

Congratulations! You are now ready to use the drawing studio!

1. With a pencil you can create light and dark values.
2. You can layer colors with crayon.
3. You can use the tip and the sides of the marker.
4. Third grade Try to create a gradate with a crayon by changing pressure.

After you have finished this exercise, create your own drawing on another piece of paper using the skills and tools we just learned about.

Ask yourself these questions:
1. How did you use your pencil? Did you press light or hard?
2. Did you layer crayons? Where? If you didn't, add one color on top of another to create layers.
3. Did you use the tip or the side of the markers?

Congratulations! You are now ready to use the drawing studio!

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Third Grade Greeting/Introduction

Third Grade Greeting/Introduction:

Welcome to art class! We are going to have an exciting year together in art, full of discovery
and art making. We will draw, collage, paint sculpt and weave. We are going to continue to learn what it means to be an artist and how to work like an artist.
Every year we go over our class expectations. 
1. Take care of people
2. Take care of stuff
3. Behave like an artist 

This year we want you to work in a group to list the way we meet those expectations. 
For example How do we take care of people in the art room?

So now it is your turn to answer this question at your table. One person will write the answers. 

Share some of the answers.

Now let's move on to #2. How do we take care of stuff in the artroom?
For example, when we are done with a marker, we should place the cap back on till it snaps, so that the marker doesn't dry out.

Lastly, How do we behave like an artist?
One way that I show I am an artist is I think about what I'm going to make before I begin.
 I always start with an idea even though it may change along the way.

Today we are going to get our Studio Practice Books. We use our studio practice books to learn skills and classroom routines for choice art.
Pass out books/ Name and class code.

You will create a piece of art using drawing supplies. You can draw whatever you decide.

Open your book to the page at the beginning of the book that says :"Draw a picture and make it fabulous. Read suggestions.

Supplies Needed:
Pencil and Eraser
Colored Pencil

VA: Cr, Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work

Clean up expectations:
I will always play the clean up anthem at clean up time.
Clean up is silent.
Everyone should finish cleaning up their studio space before the end of the song.
(I will select 2 monitors to write down names of anyone talking, or not cleaning up)
Today, during clean up, you will be responsible

What did you draw today?
What supplies did you use?

Remind students to raise their hand and wait to be called on .
In school we are respectful by raising our hands when we have something to say.
Thank individual students for being respectful and raising their hands.

Line Up Time.
Practice line up expectations:
Feet on tape
Facing forward

1st and 2nd Grade Greeting/Introduction

1st Grade Intro. Lesson:

Welcome to art class! We are going to have an exciting year together in art, full of discovery

and art making. We will draw, collage, paint sculpt and weave. We are going to continue to learn what it means to be an artist and how to work like an artist.

Every year we go over our class expectations. 

  1. Take care of people

2. Take care of stuff

    3. Behave like an artist 

How do we take care of people in the art room?



How do we take care of stuff in the art room?

For example, when we are done with a marker, we should place the cap back on till it snaps, so that the marker doesn't dry out.

How do we behave like an artist?

One way that I show I am an artist is I think about what I'm going to make before I begin.

 I always start with an idea even though it may change along the way.

Let's begin our art and before we leave we will talk about some of the ways we behaved like an artist. 

So try to notice as you are working some of your artistic behaviors?

Today we are going to get our Studio Practice Books.

We use our studio practice books to learn skills and classroom routines for choice art.

Pass out books/ Name and class code.

You will create a piece of art using drawing supplies. You can draw whatever you decide.

Open your book to the page at the beginning of the book that says :"Draw a picture and make it fabulous. Read suggestions.

Supplies Needed:

Pencil and Eraser


VA: Cr, Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work

Clean up expectations:

I will always play the clean up anthem at clean up time.

Clean up is silent.

Everyone should finish cleaning up their studio space before the end of the song.

(I will select 2 monitors to write down names of anyone talking, or not cleaning up)

Today, during clean up, you will be responsible


After the drawings are completed, discuss the last expectation:

Behave like an artist. Take time to think of an idea before you begin. Work quietly. Take care of stuff. Put supplies where they belong at the end of class. Take care of people. Share the colored pencils with your table mates. If someone is using a color you need say: "may I please use the blue pencil when you are finished?" Then wait patiently.

Remind students to raise their hand and wait to be called on .

In school we are respectful by raising our hands when we have something to say.

Thank individual students for being respectful and raising their hands.

Line Up Time.

Practice line up expectations:


Feet on tape

Facing forward

Friday, April 23, 2021

Mixed-up Animals-Dr. Seuss Imaginative Art


                                                                 Mixed-up Animals


Video Lesson

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

AMIX Day Lesson- Drawing Spring

 Drawing Spring

In the Spring, the Earth seems to be waking up from a deep sleep.
The grass starts growing again, and leaves come out of the trees. There are so many colors! 

We start to notice baby animals... bunnies, deer and birds are some I've seen. Also, some things I don't love happen in Spring, like I start to notice bugs again, but I know that bugs help our ecosystem too.

As an artist all these are very inspiring to me. Are they inspiring to you?

This week can you think about some of the changes you have noticed that happen in Spring?

This video can help you with ideas...

When you watch the video, notice all the different supplies they used to create their drawings. I bet you have some of these things around your house.

Pencils    Crayons    Pens     Markers     Chalk    Oil Pastels     Colored Pencils

I think this would be a good idea for me to draw, a mama bird built a nest in my gutter. I've been watching her for weeks carefully building, and now she sits on the eggs all day and all night.

Music helps me with my art too. Here are some songs about birds you might like to listen to while you draw.

Ziggy Marley-wings of an eagle

Elizabeth Mitchell-Little Bird Little Bird