Saturday, August 21, 2021

1st and 2nd Grade Greeting/Introduction

1st Grade Intro. Lesson:

Welcome to art class! We are going to have an exciting year together in art, full of discovery

and art making. We will draw, collage, paint sculpt and weave. We are going to continue to learn what it means to be an artist and how to work like an artist.

Every year we go over our class expectations. 

  1. Take care of people

2. Take care of stuff

    3. Behave like an artist 

How do we take care of people in the art room?



How do we take care of stuff in the art room?

For example, when we are done with a marker, we should place the cap back on till it snaps, so that the marker doesn't dry out.

How do we behave like an artist?

One way that I show I am an artist is I think about what I'm going to make before I begin.

 I always start with an idea even though it may change along the way.

Let's begin our art and before we leave we will talk about some of the ways we behaved like an artist. 

So try to notice as you are working some of your artistic behaviors?

Today we are going to get our Studio Practice Books.

We use our studio practice books to learn skills and classroom routines for choice art.

Pass out books/ Name and class code.

You will create a piece of art using drawing supplies. You can draw whatever you decide.

Open your book to the page at the beginning of the book that says :"Draw a picture and make it fabulous. Read suggestions.

Supplies Needed:

Pencil and Eraser


VA: Cr, Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work

Clean up expectations:

I will always play the clean up anthem at clean up time.

Clean up is silent.

Everyone should finish cleaning up their studio space before the end of the song.

(I will select 2 monitors to write down names of anyone talking, or not cleaning up)

Today, during clean up, you will be responsible


After the drawings are completed, discuss the last expectation:

Behave like an artist. Take time to think of an idea before you begin. Work quietly. Take care of stuff. Put supplies where they belong at the end of class. Take care of people. Share the colored pencils with your table mates. If someone is using a color you need say: "may I please use the blue pencil when you are finished?" Then wait patiently.

Remind students to raise their hand and wait to be called on .

In school we are respectful by raising our hands when we have something to say.

Thank individual students for being respectful and raising their hands.

Line Up Time.

Practice line up expectations:


Feet on tape

Facing forward

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