Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Extra Art- Attack of the Clones!!!--Repetition in Art

Attack of the clones!!!
Star Wars, Episode II

Jengo Fett's Clones

What is a clone?
Cloning is the process of creating an identical copy of an original. In biology, a clone is an organism whose genes are identical to another living organism.

Artists sometimes repeat identical shapes or objects in their art. 
Bird Fish--M.C. Escher


Soup Cans--Warhol

Children's Book Illustration by Ed Young

Collage Studio Clones...

  1. Staple 4 papers together (4x6)
  2. Draw a simple large design on colored paper
  3. Cut the stack on the pencil line, keeping the papers together.
  4. When finished cutting, the shapes should be clones/copies of each other
  5. Arrange shapes on the black background in any design or pattern. They may be turned over and placed in any direction. 
  6. Add hole punches for eyes, and add any details such as buttons, nose, or polka-dots
  7. Glue down. 

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