Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Beads! Beads! Beads!

Beads can be made of many different materials. The earliest beads were made of a variety of natural materials such as bone, shells, seeds, wood, stones, coral, horn and pearls. More recently, beads have been made from glass, clay, paper, and plastic. 
We believe that people used the first beads as protection against uncontrollable events such as harsh weather, to enhance beauty, and as a show of status in the society. 

Shell Beads from Blombos Cave, South Africa
estimated to be 76,000 years old

Beads have had many uses in cultures throughout history including trade, religious purpose, and adornment. 
Venetian Glass Trade Beads

The Maasai men and women in Africa wear beads that show their status in society

Sometimes Kalashi women in Pakistan wear as many as 15 pounds of beads around their necks!
 Traditional Kalashi headdresses are also heavily beaded.

Where have you seen people wearing beads? 
When have you worn beads?
You can make beads too! 

Making paper beads:

  1. Cut your paper. Cut long triangles out of magazines, coloured construction paper, wallpaper
  2. Add your glue. ...
  3. Roll the bead. ...
  4. Finish rolling.Glue the tip of the triangle to the rolled paper. ...
  5. Remove your bead. ...
  6. Create more beads.

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