What is a collage?
A collage is made by cutting up, arranging, and gluing down materials such as paper, string, fabric, and newspaper.
Nancy Standlee
"Coller is a French word, that means to glue something together, so it makes sense that a collage is when you glue materials to a flat surface.
In collage you can use many different materials to make something new!
interesting papers, torn or cut
newspapers/ any text
magazine pictures
sheet music
Demo Collage Video:
1st Grade
I can cut out GEOMETRIC shapes
I can safely use scissors.
I can arrange and change my collage.
I can open and close a glue bottle
I can use glue with control.
I know texture can describe how something feels.
I can arrange and change my collage.
I can sort my scraps by color.
I can clean up my workspace.